Republican scientific and practical conference "Personality and socio-political activity of Alikhan Bukeikhan" took place in S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university.

In his welcome speech, Rector of PSU Aryn Orsariyev emphasized that Alikhan Bukeikhan, as well as he was an outstanding politician, he became famous as a prominent scholar, economist, ethnographer, historian, theorist of literature and publicist. 

"Alikhan Bokeykhan - a national hero, who dedicated his life to the interests of the Kazakh people. He laid the foundation of the Kazakh stateness, the basis of the Kazakh society’s modernization and right of people for national self-determination", - said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

In a plenary session took part Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the "Alash" Research Institute of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov Sultan Khan Akkuly, mentioning that Alikhan Bukeikhan is the creator of history."

“In last year November, on the 38th session of the UNESCO Alikhan Bukeikhan became recognized as an outstanding world scale figure, but unfortunately, not all are aware of the importance of his historical mission. But he is, in fact, a collector of modern Kazakh lands", - said Sultan Khan Akkuly.

In the conference also took part the Head of Kazakhstan People's Assembly Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Saule Mamytova, Candidate of historical sciences, Professor Murat Suleimenov, science, education and culture representatives of the wide audience.

Summarize, the speakers were in agreement with that the study of the works and biography of the outstanding public figure encourages the formation in young Kazakhstanis patriotism, the desire to serve the nation.

The ceremony finished in a positive way. The guest of honor Sultan Khan Akkuly presented rector of PSU A. Orsariyev gift collection of books devoted to the life and work of Alikhan Bukeikhan.