On the eve at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University summed up the results of the regional competition "The future journalist".

The idea of the contest belongs to the Department of Journalism PSU and club of chief editors of Pavlodar region. The organizers have the aim to identify children who are interested in journalism and provide them with opportunities to express themselves. 

The competition was attended by dozens of young correspondents of the Pavlodar region. According to the results of all tests competition identified one finalist from each region.

Guests were welcomed by the chairman of the club of chief editors of Pavlodar region Mukhit Omarov.

"The main thing for a journalist - to learn how to learn. Competition was hold fairly resourcefully and competently. Students are able to look for interesting information occasions, and I think their ability to create a real and non-standard materials, our future journalists have shown", - says Mukhit Mursaliyevich.

Winners were congratulated by Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Education Amergaly Begimtayev, noting that competition fosters active citizenship among teenagers through the development of youth journalism and involves young people with a penchant for creative work in the creative processes.

After the official part children had a tour around the university. Pupil visited the university museums, educational television studio and PSU student radio.