The educational portal of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University entered the top five best HEI website list compiled by the international Webometrics Ranking of World Universities.

According to the data collected in January, 2016, the official website of PSU ( maintained its position in the top five websites of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. It should be mentioned that according to the given ranking, S. Toraighyrov PSU rounds out the top largest national universities of the country. 

The ranking is published twice a year and its main objective is to determine the web performance of an institution. The analysis carried out by the Cybermetrics Lab laboratory covers over 20000 HEIs all around the world, including 102 universities of Kazakhstan. A university is evaluated in the following categories: 

1) Presence: how the site of a university is presented in the largest search systems, such as the Google, Yandex and Bing; 

2) Impact: a number of external links to the site; the audience which is interested in what is uploaded on the portal. As the result, if a material of the portal catches the interest of wide audience, its links will be placed on other resources; 

3) Openness: in other words, the volume of materials those are on open access at the portal of a university. Special attention is paid to a file format (i.e. pdf, doc, docx, ppt, odt, txt, etc.). Open access materials include the following ones: scientific library’s resources, intramural scholarly journals, research papers,

4) Excellence: the rate of cited papers of a scholar by a discipline.

According to Head of the University Management Informatization Division of S. Toraighyrov PSU Olga Nauman, the given achievement is the direct result of close and productive cooperation of the University’s structural units acting as a single organism. At the basic stage University’s staff forms the unique content of the site in various fields including information materials and science-intensive scholarly papers. At the final stage IT specialists upload the collected and processed data to the University’s web-portal, where it is in the public domain. The portal is presented in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages that is what enlarges its audience,” said Olga Aleksandrovna.