Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, Tatyana Dronzina is delivering lectures for undergraduate and postgraduate students at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Professor of Sofia University is delivering lectures for undergraduate and postgraduate students on issues in sociology of culture and history of philosophy. Also, the seminars of Tatyana Dronzina examine sociological analysis of deviations and the main aspects of education’s philosophy. 

Tatyana Aleksandrovna is a world-class mediator and trainer, an international expert on counter-terrorism, a member of the Council affiliated with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. She has come to S. Toraighyrov PSU under the program of the Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Attraction of foreign teaching specialists to HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Professor has been working with students of Kazakhstan’s HEIs for over three years, and she considers that they are adequately prepared to face new discoveries. 

“I have rarely met such enthusiastic students. Their high motivation is, apparently, the result of the teachers’ work and, of course, the fruit of students’ efforts and inspirations. So I am pleased with the work I have done and that we have generated many good ideas in the course of discussions with the academic staff. If we have a systematic approach to the implementation of our common plans, they will provide benefits to the University, students and the society of Kazakhstan as a whole,” said Tatyana Dronzina.

“We seek to foster cooperation and to conclude a Memorandum between our universities. We intend to establish three new programs, to develop a study guide, to work out joint projects, as the sphere of our interests and research coincides,” said the acting head of the Department of Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associated Professor Mayra Kozhamzharova.

Universities are planning to enhance cooperation in academic mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students and the academic staff, dual diploma programs.