The XXI session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan entitled 'Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy: Culture of Peace, Spirituality and Harmony', chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, was held in the Palace of Peace and Accord in Astana on April 18, 2014.

The XXI session of the Assembly gathered representatives from all regions of our country. S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was represented by Head of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Gulfayrus Zhapekova who was among the 18 participants of the XXI session from Pavlodar region.

In his speech delivered during the XXI session of the Assembly, N.A. Nazarbayev emphasized, 'The Assembly has always been keeping up with the trends of our time. Its support was decisive at all momentous stages in the history of our Independence. Like I've always been saying, unity and cohesion are the main values of our society. Owing to them, we have raised the economy, strengthened the welfare of citizens, and showed the country's future. We achieved all the goals of the Kazakhstan-2030 Strategy ahead of the schedule. Today, our unity is the key factor for implementation of the new Strategy-2050. Becoming one of the 30 most developed countries of the world is our common goal and common destiny for all people living in Kazakhstan. This strategy reflects the wisdom of our great multi-ethnic nation. It is based on the key principles our unique culture of peace and spiritual consent'.

According to our President, it is necessary to adopt a number of new measures for further promotion of the Kazakhstan’s model of tolerance and harmony. 'During these events, we need to show our culture, tolerance, multi-ethnicity of the people of our country, our achievements under the conditions of peace and harmony. We must show our multi-ethnic culture, our Assembly, and our possibilities. The Assembly must be prepared for it. Therefore, I propose to announce the following 2015 year the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. I instruct the Government, as well as the Assembly, to prepare and implement the National Action Plan for the Year of Kazakhstan People's Assembly and the 20th anniversary of the Constitution. In this connection, I propose to hold a Forum of People of Kazakhstan in Astana next year', said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Representative of Pavlodar State University G.K. Zhapekova shared her positive impressions from the participation in this event of national importance. "Confidence in the future of our country, clear and precise directions of the Assembly's work were reflected in the speech delivered by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the XXI Session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", noted Gulfayrus Zhapekova.