The Foundation Faculty held yet another meeting of S. Toraighyrov PSU representatives with prospective students of our region on April 17, 2014. This time, PSU members went to Zhelezenka area.

The meeting took place in School 1 of Zhelezenka village. 59 prospective students, their parents and teachers came to this meeting (60 out of 90 11th-graders are to take CNT this year).

During the event, prospective students saw a video about Pavlodar State University.

Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kanat Akhmetov made a presentation of the oldest higher education institution of the region, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. He also told about the programs offered by the University. He noted the advantages of studying at PSU and told about the application procedure and its deadlines. At the end of his speech, Kanat Akhmetov wished good luck to all 11th graders taking CNT this year.

Members of the Student Philharmonic of PSU: Melody band, Jam modern dance crew, and Pavlodar Zhastar Kuramasy KVN team helped create the right atmosphere for this event.

Asel Kulzhanova, a singer with a unique voice, won all audience's heart with her song in English.

After the end of the official part of the event, members of S. Toraighyrov PSU held consultations for local 11th-graders and gave detailed answers to all questions.