S. Toraighyrov PSU students G.Khafiz and D.Bekzhasarov were among the participants of the meeting of the Chairman of RK Parliament Mazhilis N.Nigmatulin with students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.

The Chairman of RK Parliament Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin had a meeting with students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University during his visit to the South Kazakhstan region to explain the Presidential Address to the Nation 'Kazakhstan's Way-2050: a Common Goal, Common Interests, and Common Future.'

President's ideas expressed in his annual address to the nation are an important impetus for active, creative and social activity of modern youth.

Gabit Khafiz and Danat Bekzhasarov are among active members of student community of S. Toraighyrov PSU. Gabit is a Student Rector, Danat is an Ombudsman. As they pointed out, this meeting has opened new perspectives in implementation of the tasks given by the President to the youth. They supported the idea of establishment of Mangylyk Yel youth association put forward during the meeting at SKSU.

Gabit and Danat brought a letter of appreciation to the Rector of Pavlodar State University Serik Omirbayev and certificates of participation.