A meeting between the deans of the Toraighyrov University and the deputy head of the region Meiram Uteshov was held in the Akimat of Pavlodar region.  At the round table, representatives of ToU presented 62 scientific projects that are aimed at developing science and the economy of the Pavlodar region.

The "Strong University - Strong Region" program improves both the development potential of a leading regional university and the development potential of the region economy.  Representatives of Toraighyrov University at a meeting in the akimat noted that ToU plays an important role in the development of the region economy.  Income from scientific activities of the university to date has exceeded 320 million tenge, and the contribution of the university to the training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education at the regional level is 51.4%.

Separately, we considered the “triple helix” model, which involves the interaction of the university, business and the state.  The ToU have extensive partnerships for the implementation of research and development work with foreign universities and organizations.

At the end of the dialogue, participants came to the conclusion that within the framework of the program "Strong University - Strong Region", Toraighyrov University will act as a center of science and education in Pavlodar region.  ToU will integrate all infrastructure elements, including regional elements and the external sector of the economy.