A course on speech image for the faculty and staff of the university, organized by the HR service together with the talent management center was held at Toraighyrov University.

The master class was held by the founder of the school on speech technique and voice training, coach Saltanat Zharkebaeva.

 - First - breathing, then - diction, voice, oratory, and only at the very end getting rid of the fear of public speaking.  This fear is a fundamental issue.  None of the top experts will give an instant answer to this question.  The voice is an instrument that needs to be worked on.  The vocal cords should be kneaded and pumped, like any other muscle of your body, - said Saltanat Zharkebaeva.

 Together with the coach, teachers and staff of ToU sharpen diction, worked out intonation, and developed public speaking skills.

 - Today communication skill is one of the most important skills for every person.  And you need to be able to clearly express your thoughts, give arguments, and not be afraid to speak in public.  We always try to upgrade the skills of university employees, and I think such training will benefit all participants, - said Anar Zhakisheva, Director of the HR service.