A seminar for deputy principals of schools on the formation of interethnic relations and tolerance among students, prevention  of interethnic conflicts was held at Toraighyrov University together with the secretariat of the APK.

Ainur Raisova, head of the secretariat of the APK of Pavlodar region, made a welcoming speech.

Doctor of Political Science Arman Akishev notes that Kazakhstan model of interethnic harmony is unique.  "The main mission of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan is unity in diversity and an equal opportunity for all ethnic groups to develop their culture, traditions, language, and therefore the issues of interethnic harmony are one of the most important for the multi-ethnic society of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

The participants systematized the causes and catalysts of conflicts with the participation of ethnic groups, simulated escalations of the conflict and possible destructive consequences.  They studied the influence of propaganda on the manipulation of consciousness, as well as the psychological aspects of interethnic conflicts.

According to the head of the Department of Social Sciences, Journalism and Information, Mayra Kozhamzharova, the seminar is aimed at teaching how to independently analyze pre-conflict and post-conflict situations in order to apply them in their daily and work activities.

The listeners received the certificates.