in distance format
On April 30, 2025, “Toraighyrov University” NJSC will hold an International Student Olympiad among students of economics, which will be held in several stages.
Registration for participation in the Olympiad is available at the link:
Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English
The form of event: online
1 Subject, goals
The subject of the Olympiad is the result of the learners’ tests and essays.
The main goal of the international Student Olympiad is to identify and develop learners’ creative abilities, interest in research, self-presentation, and teamwork.
2 The order of the Olympiad
The Olympiad will be held in the form of a team game in the following stages.
The first stage is the solution of test tasks and analytical tasks in online format in economic disciplines, which will be conducted to identify knowledge in the field of macroeconomics and microeconomics.
The second stage is writing an essay on the topic: “How digitalization is changing the labor market and education: challenges and prospects”. The essay must be prepared in advance and submitted by the team during the Olympiad. The time for the presentation of the essay is from 5-7 minutes.
3 Participants of competition
Students of higher educational institutions studying economics in 2-3 courses are allowed to participate in the Olympiad.
Students go through 2 stages, testing and essay presentation.
The team should consist of 2 to 4 people under the guidance of a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of a leading profile department.
For participation in the Olympiad it takes to register via the link no later than April 25, 2025.
Participation in the Olympiad is free of charge. Registration after 04/25/2025 will be closed.
The Olympiad is held within the framework of the IRN grant project AP19676438 “Mechanism for ensuring balanced interaction of the labor market and the education system in the context of digitalization of the economy”.
The source of funding is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
англ - положение по конкурсу.docx
положение по конкурсу.docx
каз - положение по конкурсу.docx
Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем вас принять участие в курсе повышения квалификации для учителей информатики на тему «Методические основы применения технологии геймификации в образовании».
В рамках курса вы познакомитесь с современными подходами использования игровых механик в образовательном процессе, узнаете о методах геймификации и как их применять для повышения мотивации учащихся.
In the period from March 18 to March 20, 2025, the external expert commission of the Central Asian Association for Education Accreditation is working within the framework of specialized accreditation of 16 educational programs. Good luck!