Student Senators of NAO "Toraigyrov University" carry out social and innovative projects of creative, mobile and educated youth of the university.

The purpose of the Senate of Students is to represent the interests of students before the university administration, strengthen and enhance the image of the university at the interuniversity, state and international levels, organize systematic work and conduct events in areas of public life, promote the realization of internal potential and the development of managerial skills among students, increase the effectiveness of the educational process at the university, form an active life and civic position students, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, organization of systematic work to improve the mechanisms of student self-government at the faculty and university levels.


The composition of the Senators of Toraigyrov University :


Aitchanova Amina Nurzhanovnacontact phone number +7 (777) 295 92-30


Khamzayeva Aishacontact phone number +7 (771) 428 84-09

Soltan Alimkhan Dauletovichcontact phone number +7 (705) 708 19-00