The grand opening of the office of “Rukhani Zhangyru” room took place in the College of S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The opening was attended by representatives of science, government and youth organizations of the city.

A special place in the office of “Rukhani Zhangyru” were given by artists, science and politics, who contributed to the development of Kazakhstan, as well as a map of the sacral places of Pavlodar region.

In addition, educational and research work will be conducted in the office.

Students of the College of S. Toraighyrov PSU presented their the event

- The ideas of the students are very interesting and reveal the diversity of our region. For example, the project “Historical Pavlodar” deserves attention, which is intended to help in the study of the native land, to give an opportunity to reveal its uniqueness. Within its framework, students explore the historical places of the city in order to create the album “Sacral Pavlodar”, - told the acting. Director of the College of S.Toraighyrov PSU named after Anna Yessenova.

Separately, we can mention the project “Rukhani Kazyna”, within which meetings with labor veterans will be organized, classes in museums of industrial enterprises are planned and a festival of folk art will be held. 

Other useful projects were presented - “Familiar and unfamiliar Pavlodar”, “I choose PSU”, “La vie Dobro” and others.