Toraighyrov University took part in the regional agricultural exhibition in honor of the Day of Agricultural Workers.

The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences presented its scientific developments and projects.  Scientists of the faculty have long been engaged in the processing of organic waste - the production of vermicompost, work is underway on the diagnosis and improvement of seed potatoes.  A new direction is the technology of accelerated reproduction of valuable animals using biotechnology methods, etc.
Abylkair Skakov recalled that over three years the area of ​​irrigated land has been increased by 1.5 times in the region.  The same growth was achieved in milk production, 14 commercial dairy farms were launched, and the volume of food production increased from 65 to 111 billion tenge.
 - Science and agriculture should work side by side.  All these developments are used in the work of farmers who see real benefits from cooperation with scientists, - said the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.
Pavlodar region is considered to be a region with developed livestock and crop production.  According to the results of the harvesting campaign, the grain harvest in the region amounted to a record 1.25 million tons.  This result was also achieved thanks to the introduction of new technologies, close cooperation between science and industry.