A bibliographic directory of works of Mashhur Zhusip Kopeev.

Monographies of the Doctor of Philology, avenue PSU of S.Toraigyrov A.K.Trushev

In detail - cultural lexicon in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Spiritual culture in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Mythological a cultural lexicology in products of Mashhur-Zhusip

Metrological terms in products of Mashhur - Zhusip

Ethnocultural aspects of products of Mashhur - Zhusip

The collection of selected products М-Zh. Kopeev in Russian translated by the senior research assistant K.N.Kanapjanov

The collection of selected products М-Zh. Kopeev in English. Transfer from the Kazakh language is executed by younger research assistant Z.S.Berdygozhinoj

«Islamic culture in the manuscript of Mashhur - Zhusipa» in three volumes. Translation from Arabic on the Kazakh language is made by younger research assistant К.К.Talkanbayeva

The collection of works of Mashhur Zhusip Kopeeva of 1-13 volumes.