О рабочих буднях телеведущего Первого канала «Евразия» рассказала Айгерим Муздыбаева на встрече в ToU.

Flexible teams and hybrid qualifications: hard, soft, digital skills, how the university is changing its approach to hiring.

400 participants in seven sports shot accurately, expertly played basketball and chess for two weeks

The strength and beauty of the chamber choral polyphony from the regional philharmonic named after Isa Bayzakov.

Aibek Aubanov, Deputy Head of the Department of Justice of the Pavlodar Region, suggested volunteers to create groups to provide free legal advice.

Discussing opportunities for obtaining a master's or PhD degree, participating in the ToU Junior skills school, and teaching entrepreneurial skills to teachers were on the agenda of school principals and department heads.

Toraighyrov University реконструировали спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс.

The Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) - Cambridge English Language Teaching Exam.

At a meeting with volunteers of the School - Lyceum No. 8 for gifted children, the ToU Junior skills school was presented.

Deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Magerramov and N. Mikaelyan visited Toraighyrov University.