The delegation of Toraighyrov University visited EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev.

Training courses on artificial insemination and assessment of dairy and beef cattle were held at the Research Institute of Agricultural Innovation and Biotechnology of Toraighyrov University.

A literary and musical evening “Abay-dana, Abay-dara kazakta” dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev was held at Toraighyrov University library

The international student Olympiad on the best business ideas among economic specialties has completed in Almaty.

Студенты и преподаватели кафедры исполнительского искусства Toraighyrov University выступили с концертной программой в областной библиотеке для слабовидящих.

Mothers of large families were congratulated on the spring holiday.

The competition of IT projects “Hakaton Yassawi SmartTech” has completed in the Turkestan region. About 100 applicants from 15 universities of the country competed.

“Meeting with yourself” is one of the long-term projects of the volunteer team “La vie dobro” and the psychologists of the university.

New trends in learning and left-brain perception of information were discussed at the seminar of Alina Khamatdinova.

Gulnara Shamshudinova, Aigul Turlybekova, Meiramgul Altybassarova are the winners of the republican contest in the nomination “Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan”.