Торжественное подписание соглашения между ректоратом Toraighyrov University и филиалом Павлодарской областной организации казахстанского отраслевого профессионального союза работников образования и науки стало одним из запоминающихся событий уходящего года.

В предметной неделе, которую ежегодно проводит кафедра иностранных языков, приняли участие студенты неязыковых специальностей университета.

Aslan Azerbayev, PhD, presented the book “Ontological unity of morality and politics in philosophy of Al-Farabi”, which became a real revelation.

A volleyball tournament among faculty and university staff ended at Toraighyrov University.

The evening of poetry “Dunie-duman, dunie-sher ...” gathered connoisseurs of creativity of the writer and poetess Onash Mazhitova. The organizers of the meeting are activists of the "Murager" association.

Hit the mark? No problem. Vice-rectors of Toraighyrov University have tried a new complex of weapons training "Strelets-3". The results exceeded all expectations - sniper skill and accurate hit.

Vera Kim, the head of the coordinating agency for the youth corps development project, spoke about social entrepreneurship, the year of volunteers and grants for a dream at a meeting with students of Toraighyrov University.

Конкурс проводился по 8 факультетам, по одному - конкурс не состоялся. Так, из 19 кандидатов выбраны 7 деканов.

Master classes in the framework of a pilot project of NCE RK "Atameken" and MES RK were held at Toraighyrov University.

Guests of the Faculty of Agricultural Technologies were able to taste special products from future biotechnologists. The menu is not only healthy, but also tasty.