Toraighyrov University picked up  the baton of online webinars initiated by the Association of Departments of the APK of the republic universities.  Participants discussed the experience of commercialization in the field of the humanities.

The great interest in the stated topic reflects the number of applications for today's webinar - more than 100 university employees from Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Kyzylorda, Shymken, Taraz, Atyrau, Petropavlovsk, Karaganda and many other cities.

Welcoming speeches were made by the vice-rector of the Toraighyrov University Nurlan Yerzhanov and the chairperson of the "Association of the departments of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" Shanyrak "Natalia Kalashnikova.

Foreign guests took part in the discussion - a famous Russian scientist, President of the Russian State University for the Humanities Efim Pivovar, as well as a professor of political science at Sofia University Tatiana Dronzina.

Let us recall that the department of the APK ToU conducts a number of studies on intercultural interaction, introduces the accumulated experience in the field of ethno-entrepreneurship, mediation and ethnovolunteering into ethnopolitical practice, studies objects of the sacred history of the north-east of Kazakhstan, etc.

Colleagues from Bulgaria suggested bringing the work of mediators to a deep scientific level,  experts from Russia have a prospect to develop the theme of Eurasianism in a scientific and educational context and continue cooperation with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).