The founder of the "JADO" fashion house, Zhadyra Sakhiyeva, told about how to open their own business without a sponsor, become a successful businesswoman and designer, and also combine dance with jurisprudence at a creative meeting with PSU students.

The future designer began to work when she was 10 and at 13 she bought an apartment for her parents. She took the first steps into big business by herself, without any financial support from sponsors. Everything is simple: she bought material, sewed several costumes overnight, and then just went forward.

Today, Zh. Sakhiyeva has four higher educations, presents her collections abroad and can sew a chapan for the president in one month.

Students listened with interest, asking questions about modern Kazakh culture, the education of girls and the style of clothing. It is worth noting that a feature of the designer’s works is a reflection of the national culture and style of the nomads.

Zhadyra Sakhiyeva brought with her 25 costumes that were presented at the catwalk. But there were more gifts. One of the national dresses was donated to the university museum.