On the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the photographer Dmitry Polikarpovich Bagayev, a meeting with historians and local historians of the

Pavlodar region was held in the library of S. Toraighyrov PSU. On this day, the special attention of those present was drawn to the book-album "Captured Time". The unique edition of Vera Boltina, Lyudmila Sheveleva and Tatyana Pokidaeva was created on the basis of archival documents, has no analogues and contains rare facts on the biography of the photographer, his creative career, as well as numerous photographs, many of which were published for the first time.

Local historian, honorary citizen of Pavlodar and Honorary Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan Ernest Sokolkin told about the history of the creation of some photographs and their significance in history.

Photos of Dmitry Bagayev - the chronicle of Pavlodar Irtysh Land. History would not be so complete without his work. He walked the streets and took photos of people, their lives. Most clearly and without any artifice, the images of D. Bagayev show the atmosphere of a bygone era in its various manifestations: pre-revolutionary Pavlodar, the life of local residents, the work of salt miners, the civil war, the establishment of Soviet power, hunger and collectivization.