На очередном заседании Экологического совета Павлодарской области эксперты обсудили, насколько эффективны общественные слушания в вопросах окружающей среды.

The round table brought together representatives of the regional Aarhus Center, the Department of Subsoil Use, the Environment and Water Resources of the Pavlodar Region, lawyers, scientists of S. Toraighyrov PSU, designers and project experts, etc.

The participants noted that when organizing the hearings, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements, including adhering to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on environmental issues, as well as architectural and construction activities, and monitoring the quality of information provided by state bodies. Often, such announcements seem to be encrypted behind a set of numbers and project names, confusing the public.

Those present paid particular attention to making recommendations in the new environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides for a new type of strategic environmental assessment. This will allow the public to participate in strategic decisions.