In the Yestay Palace of Culture hosted the regional festival "Zhaidarman", in which seven teams took part.

The performances of young comedians were evaluated by a jury chaired by the deputy akim of Pavlodar region Askhat Oralov.

The President of the Republican youth organization “Union of KVN of Kazakhstan” Yesen Eleuken noted:

“To admit, organizing "Zhaidarman" in the northern regions is not an easy task,” says Esen Eleuken. - At one time, the very first performances of Pavlodar players set the high standard. However, gradually all this began to decline. But this is how life is arranged, nothing stands still.

The main prize of 200 thousand tenge was won by the "Drive" team of S.Toraighyrov PSU. The second place and 60 thousand tenge were won by the “Kulki fabrikasy” from the Akuly district, and the third place and 40 thousand tenge went to the representative team of Bayanaul district.