The seminar “Hirsch at the faculty or what should we do?” brought together scientists from the Faculty of Energy Engineering of PSU.

The Hirsch index is one of the main indicators in the scientometric field, which determines the productivity of a researcher.

Acting head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, PhD Alexander Neftisov in his speech revealed the basic principles of the Hirsch index and shared the secrets of successful publication.

So, a qualitative analysis and design should become an integral part of any work, the possibility of applying the results in practice and prospects for future research must be indicated.

“There are certain rules that every scientist must adhere to when working on an article. It is also necessary to take into account that, due to the workload, the editor of the magazine often devotes about 5 minutes to familiarizing himself with the manuscript to decide whether to send for review or refuse publication”, A. Neftisov said.

It is worth noting that today in the Scopus database the Faculty of Energy Engineering has 65 publications, the bulk of which were published during the work of two scientific schools of the Faculty of Energy Engineering.