Students of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University became participants in the scholarship program "Summer University Courses", organized by DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service.

DAAD unites more than 200 German universities and about 130 student organizations. The program "Summer University Courses" provides an opportunity to improve knowledge of the German language and directly get acquainted with Germany. Courses, housing and other expenses are reimbursed to participants through a scholarship.

3-year student of the Department of Economics Victoria Kazakova took courses in the city of Aachen, which is located near Belgium and Holland. The girl notes that the scholarship made it possible to attend German language courses in Germany, plunge into the language environment and get acquainted with the cultural features of the country.

“This is my first trip to Europe and an unforgettable experience. I made friends with a huge number of people from different countries. We took part in welcoming and international evenings, where we treated each other with national dishes. We also visited a village with unique medieval architecture, Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels and others, ”says Victoria.

Luiza Ibragimova, a third year student at the Department of Accounting and Audit, began her journey from Düsseldorf, the capital of one of the federal states of Germany.

“I am delighted with the country, its inhabitants - wonderful and very friendly people! I met a huge number of scholarship students from completely different places of the world. Our classes were held in the same breath, teachers inspire with their positive and at the same time give a huge store of knowledge! My main achievement is the destruction of the language barrier. As a result of the trip, I can say for sure that knowledge of languages is the key to the whole world!

In addition to classroom activities, Luiza also attended many excursions, having visited the cities of Cologne, Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam.