Students of the Department of Computer Engineering and Programming at S. Toraighyrov PSU showed good results at the XII Olympiad in the field of information technology.

"IT-Planet" is a competition aimed at identifying and supporting talented and practically trained students and young IT specialists.

The competition was attended by both students and young professionals up to 25 years old from around the world.

The competition consisted of several stages. So, the participants passed an online test for knowledge of the Java programming language, decided cases in the format of sports programming in an online system. And the international finals, where the main focus is on industrial development skills.

According to the results of the qualifying stages of the IT-Planet 2018/19 international olympiad, the PSU team consisting of students of Andrey Mysak and Sergey Mysak took the first place in Kazakhstan in the competition "Mobile Application Development".

The boys created Bot Market - a mobile application for searching and promoting chat bots, the task of which is to automatically respond to requests in various messengers and platforms.

“They are pre-programmed to give the user certain information, that is, they are virtual machines that were created to do the work, monotonous and repeatable, with the highest possible speed of their execution. Bot Market has a system of search, ratings and top charts across thirteen platforms (VKontakte, Telegram, Facebook, etc.), where you can not only search chat bots, but also promote them, receive feedback from users and improve your designs ”,- winners shared.

The second place in Kazakhstan in the Oracle company competition "Programming: Java" was taken by a 4-year student Maksat Galymzhan.