Quadcopter piloting courses will be opened at the university training center.

A new discipline is planned to be introduced at the faculties of agriculture, energetics, construction and tourism. Cadets of the military department will also get the knowledge of piloting. In addition, the Academy of drones will be open to all citizens wishing to gain knowledge of the unmanned flying vehicle control for a fee.

“At this time, the purchase of the necessary equipment, aircraft, computer simulators is under way,” explained Ruslan Bilyalov, director of Toraighyrov Media Center. - The university came to an agreement with a company whose specialists will train students of the Academy courses in aerial photography, mapping, thermal imaging diagnostics and inspection of industrial and social facilities using drones.

It is noted that, along with the main discipline of aircraft control, they will develop a design office, working in which students will be able to assemble drones in their designs and drawings. The scientific staff of the university, who have already thought about the issue of increasing the quadcopter battery charge time, are also going to make a contribution.

Upon completion of training, graduates will be given official certificates confirming the drone pilot's qualifications.