Rector of Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak, Professor Mohamad el Shahhat el Gendi visited S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The meeting was opened by an introductory tour of the university, where professor Nurlan Yerzhanov, Acting rector, doctor of biological sciences, told about the main focus of the university. Also, the materials of the archaeological museum and more were shown to the guest.

For PSU students, the professor conducted a lecture on tolerance education and preventive measures for extremism on the example of Egyptian University.

On the basis of the university there is a center for counteraction of the terrorism and extremism, where measures are being taken to prevent extremism, as well as teach techniques of communication with people who fell under the influence of extremist movements. The work of the center is aimed at building of a dialogue and assistance to victims who in one way or other faced with this destruction.

The meeting finished with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation.

The participants agreed that the bilateral relations between universities will serve as the beginning of the implementation of new research projects, as well as make a significant contribution to the development of intercultural relations.