An Olympiad among schoolchildren in multilingualism was held S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in October 26, 2018.

The event was organized by the Center for Polylingual Education of PSU and the Regional Educational and Methodical Center for Continuing Education “Ertіs Daryny” of the Education Department of Pavlodar Region.

Pupils of 10-11 grades from 88 regional schools took part in the intellectual competition.

The competitions were held in two stages, during which they confirmed their high knowledge of several languages at once, including English, German, Chinese, French.

Participants fought in the ease of syllable by writing an essay, and answered a number of questions, demonstrating a broad outlook. 

The jury assessed the level of knowledge of the participants, counting the total score in three languages at once. The main criteria for evaluation were the originality of thinking, the observance of speech and grammatical standards, and other.

According to the results of the competition, the winners were determined. 

Thus, the students of Zhas Daryn specialized school Adiya Akhmer and No. 8 lyceum school for gifted children Sheila Dzhabayeva won the first place. 

Sofia Melnik (school-lyceum No. 16 of Pavlodar), Nuray Akhmetova (school No. 18 of Ekibastuz) and Ayzere Sembayeva, (specialized school “Zhas Daryn”) won the second place.

Olympiad bronze was divided among several representatives of the schools of the region: Aldiyar Kazhdarov (school-lyceum No. 10 named after Abai for gifted children), Aida Bayamanova (specialized gymnasium of Aksu), Asanali Karkinbayev (lyceum-boarding school “Bіlіm Innovation” for gifted boys), Adiya Nurpeisova (specialized school “Zhas Daryn»), Gainel Oralbayeva (specialized school “Zerde” Ekibastuz), Anel Zhumabek (lyceum No. 20 of Pavlodar), Amina Abubakirova, (specialized school “Zhas Daryn”), Malika Karibaeva (specialized gymnasium of Aksu).