The teachers of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of S.Toraighyrov PSU took part in the traditional open-air around the sacred places of the Bayanaul district.

For several days, masters worked on their canvases, made pencil sketches in several places at once: Sakentas, which the artists themselves call a source of inspiration, Kempir-tas, lakes Dzhasybai, Sabyndykol and Toraighyr.

This is not the first open-air of teachers of the university in Bayanaul district. This year, the museum complex of S.Toraighyrov PSU took part in the organizing of the event.

University artists once exhibited their works in Pavlodar Regional Art Museum. Now it is planned that their paintings will be presented for the first time in the university on the Independence Day.

At the exhibition, all connoisseurs of the beautiful will be able to get acquainted with the sights of the beautiful corners of Pavlodar region.