The teachers of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport took part in the second working meeting on the Erasmus + ASIAXIS project at Polytechnical University of Delle Marche in Italy. The meeting was also attended by experts from Great Britain, Italy, Spain, China, Russia and Kazakhstan.

According to the dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Kayratolla Abishev, three days of work in Ancona ended with a seminar on applied research in the field of internal combustion engines with representatives of General Motors, General Electric, Renco and CNR Istituto Motori.

The role of S.Toraigyrov PSU in the project is to modernize existing modules of bachelor and master's degree in the specialty «Transport, transport equipment and technologies”, as well as to introduce results into the educational process and assist in the development of the competence of students - bachelors, Master’s degree and doctoral students.

The meeting also outlined the specific steps and actions of each partner institution in achieving the planned goals and objectives.