The team of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of Pavlodar State University became the winner of the hackathon on the topic “Smart House”.

In total, the event was attended by seven teams. Honor of the PSU was defended by Darkhan Zhaksybayev, Konstantin Tanichev, Adilkhan Rahimbekov and Anuar Zhunusov.

Within 48 hours, students were developing a prototype of an IT-product under the guidance of experts. The total prize fund was half a million tenge.

According to one of the team members Darhan Zhaksybayev, the prototype of the “Smart house” they made is equipped with many functions.

For example, the entrance to the house is carried out after the identification of the owners through a fingerprint. When entering the house, the motion sensor is coming into action and the light turns on, and the illumination level triggers automatically.

In addition, the work of the climate control system, automatic curtains opening and closing, and for safe movement on the stairs at night, a special landscape lighting is triggered.

“Our prototype also has a security system that includes sensors for a broken window and detecting a fire. In case of receiving a signal about danger, an alarm is activated”, says D. Zhaksybayev.

In addition, the developers of the project are planning to include the interaction of the “smart home” with the server. So, the user can receive data about the state of the house and control all the processes occurring in it.

During the competition, the teams visited master classes, where the students were told how to commercialize an IT product, shared the secrets of success and presented the latest technological trends.