A round table on raising religious literacy among students and Master’s degree students was held at S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University.

The initiator of the expanded meeting were the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.

The main imam of the regional central mosque named after Mashkhur Zhusup Zholdas Bertymuratov, the main imam of the “Akmeshit” mosque Nurlan Kairbekov, as well as the head of the information work department of the Center for Analysis and Development of Inter-Confessional Relations Zaida Asanbayeva took part in the discussion.

The meeting was held in the format of a conversation, where everyone could ask the question that interested him and share his opinion.

According to the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Mayra Kozhamzharova, the main idea of the round table is the prevention of terrorism and extremism among young people.

“To date, in 106 countries there are more than one hundred thousand bloggers who recruit young people in the radical structures. Young people spend a lot of time in social networks, so you need to increase the literacy of using the Internet, talk about recruitment technologies. Everyone should remember that even if a person unknowingly falls into destructive currents, he/she is responsible under the law”, says Mayra Zhanaydarovna.

In addition, students were told about the crisis center (32-50-50), where everyone who has been influenced by extremist organizations and those whose relatives and relatives are at risk can apply.