A methodical seminar “Implementation of the “Digital Kazakhstan” program was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was attended by university specialists in the field of IT-technologies.

One of the priority areas noted by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev in the Address is the development of digitization and IT services.

To date, the IT infrastructure of PSU is a computer park that includes more than a thousand units of equipment, a server complex, computer classes, and a wi-fi coverage covering 95% of the university buildings.

In addition, 164 mobile training applications, 400 electronic educational publications were developed, and more than 1800 video lectures were made.

Let us recall that, a project office, responsible for the digitization of not only our university, but the entire region as a whole was created on the basis of Pavlodar State University.

Within the framework of the seminar, a new direction was considered - mass open online courses (MOOC), the main goal of which is to switch to an online university.

The idea is to create a regional platform where students can choose any scientist from universities, listen to online lectures, get a certificate and credit within the framework of internal academic mobility.

Another direction in the development of the digital environment at PSU is the Student Service Center (SSC), which will provide the following types of services: consulting students on the educational process, accepting applications for the provision and issuing the copies of diplomas, military registration, reservation, removal from military registration of students liable for military service, etc.

In addition, the University is planning to open an IT academy. In the near future, digital literacy courses, computer literacy courses, as well as basic courses in graphic design, nonlinear video editing and WEB programming will be started.

It should be noted that eight-week digital literacy courses for the population will be free of charge.