Students of the Department of Management and Political Science of S. Toraighyrov PSU were able to fight in knowledge of politics, check erudition and confirm their leadership qualities.

The business game was held within the framework of the discipline “Leadership in society and politics”, and is aimed at studying the field of leadership competences, as well as development of organizational skills.

The contest was held in several stages. The first was the election campaign of the President of the country. Candidates from among the students outlined in their program various aspects of public life, which should be specially emphasized, and also interested voters with the proposed solutions for the implementation of the electoral program.

The second stage allowed the participants to feel the full responsibility and complexity of the state government, its significance in the fate of the whole people. Participants tried on the role of the government, answering questions about fighting corruption, the prospects for the development of the tenge, problems in the education system, and others.

As the associate professor Aigul Turlybekova notes, students organize and conduct activities in their groups, faculty, student organization level by their own efforts. They cover different topics of scientific, sports and other character.

“According to the results of the last academic year, students conducted about 150 such events. They are conducted in the form of intellectual games, debates, dramatizations, relay races. The main condition is an independent approach to their organization, the creative aspect of the content part and no the final result and cognition is no less important”, Aigul Mukhametkhanovna said.