A literary evening dedicated to Pavlodar poet, writer, local historian, member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dmitry Petrovich Priymak (1903-2002) was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized by the club of book lovers “Inspiration” and passed in the sector of fiction of the scientific library named after Academician S. Beisembyaev.

As students of the department of Russian philology noted, from his youth Dmitry Petrovich wanted to become a journalist, confidently pursued his ambition. Love of poetry led him to the famous literary association named after Pavel Vasiliev.

Dmitry Priymak engaged in translating poems of famous Kazakh, Uzbek and Ukrainian poets. In particular, he became the author of translations of the works of M. Utemisov, M. Alimbaev, D. Abilev and others.

During the years of his creative work, he published poetry collections “Irtysh tunes”, “Everlasting song – love”, “My soul”, as well as books “Bouquet for everybody”, “Rocks and legends of Bayanaul”, “Reserved Bayanaul”.

One of the main hobbies of Dmitry Petrovich was local history. A lively interest in history, in its preservation, led the poet to work in the regional museum of local lore, where he studied the history of civil war and collectivization inv the Irtysh Land. During trips across the region, he collected rare objects of everyday life of the Kazakh people, which became the pride of his research work.

Participants of the club noted that Dmitry Petrovich was very fond of his native land, he loved the life and always remained friendly to people, which was reflected in his work.

Life motto of Dmitry Priymak reflected in the lines of his poem: “I understand life like that: live and do not despond, be happy that you were born”.

“He really was a wanderer enchanted by life, in love with it and doing everything to change it for the better, to fill with meaning, light, poetry. He was known, loved, he remained in the memory of the people”! - said a student of the Department of Russian Philology Albina Shamgunova.