Gaukhar Akhmetova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Rector of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University took part in the first Forum of Rectors of Russian and Kazakhstan Universities in Chelyabinsk.

The event was held within the framework of the XIV Forum of Interregional Cooperation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Heads of States N.A. Nazarbayev and V.V. Putin.

The improving competitiveness of human capital, the development of innovative activities of modern universities and the strategic partnership of universities in Russia and Kazakhstan were discussed during of the forum. The experts had a unique opportunity to discuss the latest technologies and prospects for international cooperation in the field of innovations, to join efforts in the processes of formation of the Kazakhstan-Russian scientific development.

The forum created the conditions for new tools of international cooperation. The Rector of the Pavlodar State University Gaukhar Akhmetova suggested to Russian universities take part in joint student start-up projects. Scientists and students, together with participants of business projects, will work to create competitive high-tech developments of the world level in priority areas for Kazakhstan and Russia.

"This can be realized within the framework of academic mobility or student internships", Gaukhar Galymovna emphasized. In her opinion, such projects will have a positive impact on the economies of the participating regions, create new enterprises and workplaces and, of course, enhance the prestige of universities.

Signing of memorandums on scientific and educational innovation cooperation between S. Toraighyrov PSU and South Ural State University, Ural State Agrarian University and Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University was held as a result of fruitful negotiations

The agreements are designed to develop and implement mutual-integrated educational programs, including "double diploma" and academic mobility programs.

Students, lecturers and university staff will be able to participate in the programs. As part of the expansion of scientific cooperation, they will have the opportunity to do an internship and practical work, develop joint research projects of mutual interest.

The main result of the meeting of the rectors of Kazakhstan and Russia at the forum is the opening of new prospects for cooperation and joining efforts in such an important process as the formation of the Eurasian scientific innovation environment.