A seminar on commercialization of the results of research and scientific and technological practices was held at S.Toraigрyrov PSU.

The event was organized by JSC "Science Fund" and is intended to give listeners a presentation about the tender documentation, basic tools for managing intellectual resources.

The Fund, acting as an operator for grant financing of commercialization projects of the research and scientific and technological practices, sets itself the task of providing comprehensive support to scientists in the implementation of projects, including assistance in search and interacting with business partners and service organizations.

"This year, the period for acceptance of applications has increased from 30 to 45 days, and for the first time electronic acceptance of applications is being introduced, as previous experience has shown that the application submission on paper is not always convenient for our applicants. This year, for the first time, applications will be accepted through e-cloud kz", said project coordinator Gomar Kazhkenov.

During the seminar, the most important and controversial aspects in the field of commercialization and management of intellectual property were discussed, and individual consultations were held for a wide range of scientists of Pavlodar State University

Acceptance of applications started on June 12 and will last until July 26, 2017.