The "Hackathon" contest was completed at S. Toraighyrov PSU among the students-programmers of the leading universities and colleges of the Republic.

"Hackathon" is a programming marathon that allows to realize the set  tasks and goals in a short time. The team includes programmers, designers, managers. 

Rector of PSU, doctor of political sciences, professor Aryn Orsariyev gave a speech before the participants:

"You, today young generation, can make a significant contribution to the development of the IT future of the country by organizing communication platforms for the development of effective IT projects. I am confident that you will show how we can make Kazakhstan an open information environment for the socio-economic and cultural development of Kazakhstani society, a strong and prosperous country of the 21st century", says Aryn Amangeldievich.

The contestants had to to develop a mobile application guide for EXPO-2017 within 24 hours.

The third place won the team from the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The mobile application named "KAYDA" of the students of S. Toraigрyrov PSU won the second place of the marathon.

The best application was the mobile application of students from the M. Kozybayev NKSU.