Within the framework of the round table on the topic: "Features of mass political repressions in Kazakhstan: origins, course and consequences" a textbook on the History of Kazakhstan was presented at S. Toraigyrov PSU.

The event was organized by PF "Consent of Peoples" in cooperation with the Institute of History and Culture of Kazakhstan of S.Toraighyrov PSU in association with the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives.

The moderator was a Vice-rector for strategic development, educational and social work, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor Arman Akishev.

A new school textbook for the 8th grade on the "History of Kazakhstan" was presented at the round table, the author of which is Doctor of History, Professor Ziyabek Ermukhanovich Kabuldinov.

According to the director of the PSU Institute of History and Culture of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor Kairat Battalov, the presented textbook today is important because the author paid special attention to historical figures. 

"The textbook focuses on historical events related to the three leading personalities of the XVIII-XX centuries: Abylai Khan, Kenesary Khan and Alikhan Bukeikhanov. Important is the paragraph about our townsman, a prominent democrat who defended the rights of the Kazakhs, Grigory Potanin", says Kairat Kanatovich.

Prominent historians specializing in political repressions problems, as well as descendants of repressed people, students and graduates of Pavlodar universities, representatives of NGO and national cultural centers took part in the round table.

The participant of the roundtable, Doctor of History, Professor Laura Zhusupova noted that during the period of political repression in the Soviet Union there were great persecutions on the family of Mashkur Zhusup Kopeyev. His legacy was undeservedly forgotten for many years, his works were forbidden to publish, the descendants were forced to hide their surname.

The doctor of historical sciences, Professor Saule Mamytova told about the "Soviet punitive machine", which indiscriminately, based only on the slightest suspicion of "anti-Sovietism", could persecute an entire people:

"Political repression touched millions of families. It is necessary that we learn from the tragic pages of our history. And this year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the mass political repressions in the republic, which killed more than 100,000 of our fellow-countrymen and representatives of different nationalities", said Saule Nasenovna.