The contest of creative works on the theme "Expo and Universiade - image projects Kazakhstan" for children with special educational needs was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The organizers were representatives of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized for children with disabilities, studying in specialized educational organizations of the Pavlodar region, including for children with hearing impairment.

The competition is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of aesthetic and artistic education of students, the orientation of creative work to achieve the modern national educational ideal, the development of gifted children and the demonstration of their achievements, as well as creating an environment for creative communication.

According to the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of the Department Saule Ksembayeva, it is important that children do not be isolated from the world.

"Often children are left alone in the walls of their boarding schools, they can rarely participate in events held in other organizations. For the purpose of socialization of children and people with health restraints in the life of society, our students, in the framework of dual training, attend the Regional House for the Elderly, the Youth Home, the Tomiris Women's Club and other specialized organizations. Our goal is to create favorable conditions for people with disabilities, so that they feel free in society, involved in various creative projects. Look at our contestants, it would seem, children with disabilities, and how they paint, embroider, create their own real art, we received more than 70 works for our contes. It's nice that the status of these children did not stop them being independent, active, optimistic, self-confident. Our work will certainly continue, because our main motto is - together we can do more!" – said Saule Kamalidenovna.