The delegation of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University paid a responsive two-day visit to D.Serikbaev EKSTU.

The purpose of the visit to high school of the neighboring region became acquaintance with the activities of D.Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University in key areas.

Tour of the scientific and educational laboratories of EKSTU took place during the visit. The PSU delegation visited "Big Altai" museum, production sites, certification testing center, technopark "Altai" and other objects, as well as got acquainted with the scientific development and university research.

Rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Aryn Orsariyev noted that two universities as reference regional universities need to look for cooperative mechanisms to be competitive in terms of outgo of potential students in Russia, Almaty and Astana.

At the round table they identified priorities for further cooperation. 

Agreements on cooperation between the Department "Heat power engineering" and "Metallurgy" of PSU with the departments of "Power economy and Technical Physics" and "Chemistry, metallurgy and enrichment" of EKSTU were signed Under the current agreements. According to this, it is assumed to be the joint research, lecturing of professors of both universities, training of teachers, mutual provision of departments with tutorials and teaching materials, cooperation in the field of attracting Master's Degree students and PhD doctoral students.

Recall that in October last year, a group of scientists headed by EKSTU administration visited Pavlodar State University. Then EKSTU delegation got acquainted with the archeological museum, university laboratories, Start-up Academy of PSU.