Traditional charitable “Social Fair” was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU. This year event was on the occasion of the celebration of the triennial of student team Enactus PSU.

Everyone could buy fresh homemade baking and unique handmade products.

Pproceeds from the sale will be used to develop the social projects implemented on the base of the rehabilitation center "Samal".

For the first time the organizers have attracted student organizations of the university to take part in this event: "Zhas Otan", Youth Affairs Committee, a center for training of volunteers for the EXPO-2017, PR team PSU, debate club "Orion".

In addition, a contribution was made by the leading handmade masters of the city. Also, works of pupils of the rehabilitation center "Samal" were also presented at the fair.

Under the terms of the fair, each organization has transferred 20% of the proceeds for the development of a social project Enactus “Overcoming”.

This project was created by a team of Enactus PSU in 2015, together with the pupils of the rehabilitation center. The project work is focused on the development of social entrepreneurship, which keeps going children with disabilities to realize their creative abilities.

"It is important that every person can realize own potential, in spite of the status and physical abilities. Pupils of "Samal" center are very talented and creative children. They do their work with the feeling and trembling. We just help them to master entrepreneurial opportunities through creativity", - says one of the organizers of the fair, a member of the Enactus PSU team Madina Dyusekina.