Solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of outstanding scientific figure, Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Tyuleugazy Toktaganov was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

In the congratulatory speech the rector of Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor Aryn Orsariyev noted that Tyuleugazy Tokilovich is a leader of the University, number one dean and a professional with a capital letter:

"I think the way of life  of Tyuleugazy Tokilovicha - is an example of how to work, aspire, what need to do to become a real scientist, citizen. Looking at you, Tyuleugazy Tokilovich, unintentionally remember the words of Maxim Gorky "Man! That has a proud sound!" And indeed, in your face, we see how a word succeed action, how science is connected with life, and how generations of and dynasty of your graduates which year keep the brand of Mechanical Engineering Faculty. We all remember the difficult for our country time of Independence establishment and Mechanical Engineering Faculty passed the time as one of the best faculties".

Aryn Amangeldievich announced the conferment of title “Honorary Dean of the University" to the anniversary celebrant 

To congratulate the outstanding figure came his colleagues and graduates, friends, representatives of the veteran community, trade union organization and industrial enterprises.

In 1987 he was elected as a dean of the Mechanical Engineering faculty and Tyuleugazy Tokilovich 30 years is its permanent leader.

Toktaganov Tyuleugazy Tokilovich prepared and published more than 100 scientific and methodical works. He is the author of about twenty tutorials and the first Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionary on cars. Two defining terminological dictionaries on mechanical engineering and transport were prepared and published under his leadership,. 

Tyuleugazy Tokilovich Toktaganov enters into the cohort of veterans-elders -founders of S.Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. From year to year, he purposefully improved the achievements of the faculty, used every opportunity to preserve a unique scientific heritage in the field of engineering of the largest university of Pavlodar region. 

Toktaganov Tyuleugazy Tokilovich for the results achieved in research and teaching, inventive, scientific and methodical work, for social activities was often put on the honours board of PII and awarded a badge "Winner of socialist competition", Diplomas of regional trade union council, the Regional Congress of People's Deputies, Ministry of Higher Education Institutions of the Kazakh SSR, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, awards of Pavlodar Industrial Institute, Ministry of Higher Education of the Kazakh SSR, S.Toraigyrov PSU.

He was awarded the medal "For labour merit", Jubilee Medal "10 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan", badges "Outstanding worker of the USSR Higher School", "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Honorable machine builder", "Honorable Metallurgist", "Honorable automobile", Gold medal named after Sultanmakhmut Torayghyrov, medals "75 years of Pavlodar region ",medal of "Y. Altynsarin","Of Merit for the Pavlodar region" and " The 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".