Round table on the theme "Address and Message of the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev 2017 - course for the further deepening of reforms", organized by representatives of the Law Department was held at S. Toraigyrov PSU.

Zhanar Karibayeva, Master of Law was a moderator of the event. The discussion was attended by the faculty of the University, as well as graduates and students.

During the discussion of issues related to the redistribution of powers between the branches of government in Kazakhstan, announced by the Head of State N. Nazarbayev during a special Address to the people of the country, as well as the Message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness", participants shared their vision of further development of the state on the path of democratization.

"The proposed delegation of power from the President to the Government and Parliament is a unique case in the world practice. The conscious delegation of the President’s power to the other branches of government can be called historical precedent. Today world is rapidly changing, and these changes affect Kazakhstan. It is necessary to develop answers to the challenges that will be raised before us by the future history", - stressed, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Tatiana Voronova.

In general, the participants of the round table were unanimous in that the new offers of the President are based on the internal logic of the development of our state. Life changes and the situation requires an adequate response to the situation, and the new initiatives of the President will be successfully implemented for the benefit of the people of Kazakhstan.