A solemn ceremony of start of the torch relay of the 28th World Winter Universiade in 2017was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university.

In his congratulatory speech, Aryn Orsariyev, PSU rector, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor noted that Kazakhstan for the first time holds such global sporting event, unprecedented in the number of participating countries. This year there will be 55 countries. "Universiade is a unique phenomenon. This is a great tribute to the world, a great tribute to friendship and culture, which calls for unity. Congratulations to all on today holiday. Let Universiade fire to burn in your hearts, and come to all Kazakhstani sportsmen with the warmth", - said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

The ceremony was opened by theater and choreography performance to the strains of kui "Serper" of B. Dzhumaniyazov.

The musical number was accompanied by a horseman with hunting bird and hounds - tazy, solemnly drove to the main avenue of the University.

PSU student Bakizhan Kakim appeared with poetic message in the image of the national educator Sultanmakhmut Torayghyrov. He solemnly gave the fire to students of three races, thus symbolizing the multinationality of people of Kazakhstan. Having the torch, students lit the cauldron.

In turn, the rector of PSU Aryn Orsariyev put the Universiade flame into the flask to safely deliver it in Almaty, where the fire of Pavlodar and each city of Kazakhstan will connect with a bright flame of the Winter Universiade - 2017.

During the torch relay in the city were 60 Universiade flame handover points, and it was attended by outstanding students, athletes, representatives of physical culture and sports, as well as honorary citizens of the city and the region.

At the end of the opening relay, young scientists, students and athletes, winners of national and international tournaments leave white eco- pigeons out into the sky.

In general, the Universiade flame in Kazakhstan will overcome the route length of more than 22 500 km, 200 km of which will be passed by torchbearers.