New Year comes less than in a week, and its eve coincides with the traditional Christmas, celebrated in the Western countries. This time, in the creating Christmas atmosphere took part PSU Center for multilingual education, organizing Ginger Party at Christmas time .

In addition to preparing the traditional delicacies in the form of ginger biscuits, gastronomy of the evening made Jambalaya is a traditional dish for the holiday, which can be called " New Orleans pilaff".

Holiday is remarkable for the fact that it allowed to touch the Christmas traditions of European countries through English. All the action took place in English. Christmas celebration was accompanied by songs, poems, congratulations and a joint lunch.

A major role in organizing and conducting the festival had Alexandra Linnas, for many years, raising a sense of English syllables in Pavlodar State University. For her part, Alexandra Konstantinovna said: "This is the most wonderful and good holiday for people all over the planet. Both children and adults wait for this holiday. It is not just gifts, but dinner together, it's the joy of communicating with each other, family unity, harmony and peace".