At S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university was held a literary evening dedicated to the 215th anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, an ethnographer, collector of folklore and proverbs, a military doctor, but most of all known as the maker of the most volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian Language ".

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian Language " up to now is the most volume. It contains 200 thousand words and 50 thousand proverbs. His compilation took from Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl more than half of a century, and this is his main creation. In the literary world, he entered in 1832, but not many people know that a great military doctor wrote under the pseudonym - Kazak Lugansky. He took it in honor of his hometown - Lugansk. Despite the fact that Dahl has Danish roots, he thought Russia as his homeland.

The dictionary by Vladimir Dahl is familiar worldwide. It is stored in every second house, but today it is not used very often. In Pavlodar State University decided to recall the great creation, which remains loyal assistant for students.

At a literary evening, on the occasion of 215 anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, "turned over" five pages of his life. Librarian of fiction sector Elena Likhanova invited students to play in a variety interesting quizzes. At the end of the event all gathered dramatized extract from the fairy tale "The Crow" was presented.

Veronica Russanova, an activist of the "Inspiration" literary club shared her impressions, "The meeting was not only interesting but also very useful, today vocabulary of  many people became much richer. Curiously, that Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl has not a drop of Russian blood: his father - a Dane, mother – partly-German, partly-Frenchwoman. Dahl always said, "Who thinks in what language, those people belongs to. I think in Russian."