At S. Toraighyrov PSU was held an international scientific seminar “Bir tugyr - kos kanat" initiated by SPC "Mashkhur Studies".

With the aim to the formation of linguistic competence in the Kazakh and English languages at preschool children original programs, guidelines, including the special vocabulary exercises and modeling of communicative were developed by teachers of preschool institutions.

The seminar was organized for joining together efforts of workers of education and science in polylinguism segment.

According to the head of the center Nailya Anafina in modern multiethnic environment of our country children from the preschool age are influenced by different cultures and language learning contributes to a more attentive attitude to the native language and native culture. "Early realization of the identity of native and other cultures by children is a kind of prevention of future national correct behavior and understanding of the need for multi-ethnic cooperation".

With great interest the audience listened to the report of the methodologist of the kindergarten "Solhyshko" G. Orazalinova about the formation of children’s linguistic competence in preschool age. On the teaching methods of English language in the preschool age told the teachers of the "Foreign languages" department Kuanysheva B. and Kabbassova A.

In addition, within the framework of a seminar were held online presentations of guests from near and far abroad: Elena Golubkova - writer from Christchurch told about the experience of polylinguism in New Zealand. Active participation in the discussion took Anna Muradova, Сandidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

G. Alinova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methods of professional training of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute held for the participants master class "New Year fantasy".