International Toraighyrov readings have become a tradition in the walls of the Pavlodar state university and have been held for the eighth time. This conference is held on the eve of a landmark event for all Kazakhstani people - the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nurlan Erzhanov Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor greeted the audience.

"The Independence Day is a milestone event, the result aspirations and hopes of many generations of our people which came true. I am sure that in these holidays civil lyrics of S.Toraighyrov begins to sound in all major stages of the Republic. It is in his poetry so passionately sounded the call for Independence "- said N.Erzhanov.

The author of two novels, five poems and many rhyme and essays, S. Toraighyrov for Kazakhstani people is not just one of the founders of the national written literature. His name has become a symbol of the struggle for the spiritual revival of the nation and its independence, for which he gave his life. Only early death saved Toraighyrov from shooting as many of his associates. But the undeserved label of nationalists for decades "buried" his creative legacy.

Head of the Department of the Kazakh language, candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor A.F. Zeynulina in her report told about the art space of independent Kazakhstan in S.Toraighyrov work.

Professor A.K. Trushev in his speech touched the intellectual, cultural and spiritual heritage of S.Toraighyrov.

As a guest of honor at the official part of the program also gave a speech Mladen Kucinich, professor at University of Zagreb, Croatia.